Filebox & Teachables Educational Resources

Upload resources to the Filebox
  Click Filebox in the menu and choose whether you want to upload resources to your personal My Filebox or the School Filebox. Click Upload or click ...
Wed, 12 Jan, 2022 at 3:08 PM
Access a resource library in your plans
You can access high-quality bite-sized resources via the Filebox icon in your planning. To help save even more time, Teachable’s resources will be filtered ...
Fri, 17 Jul, 2020 at 4:47 PM
Uploading resources to your planning
There are two ways to add a resource to an iUgo lesson plan.  If the resource is on Google Docs; 1. Click on the Google Docs icon in a lesson pl...
Fri, 17 Jul, 2020 at 4:42 PM
Preview Teachables Digital Resources
We know that teachers have a long list of tasks to complete every day. iUgo Teachables is here to make the search for quality content quicker and easier so ...
Wed, 12 Jan, 2022 at 3:22 PM
How to search for resources in Teachables
Just like a real library, resources have been catalogued in different ways to make your search fast and efficient! Here are four ways you can search for res...
Wed, 12 Jan, 2022 at 3:18 PM
Managing your Filebox
As your collection of resources in your Filebox grows, you’ll find it easier to locate resources if you create a folder system to store them, much like you ...
Wed, 12 Jan, 2022 at 3:31 PM
Using your Teachables with other classroom programs
iUgo Teachables resources are downloaded as a universal PDF file format which makes it easy to share the resources digitally with your students who are work...
Tue, 1 Sep, 2020 at 7:26 PM