All changes to your school's staff list need to be done through the iUgo support team, please email (NZ) [email protected] / (AU) [email protected] or phone (NZ) 0800 087 376 (AU) 1800 005 068.

New Teachers:
To create a new login for teachers, please email the admin team the teacher's full name, email address, and classroom. They will be emailed their login details with instructions on how to get started along with our free webinar training and support links. A pro-rata subscription charge may be applicable (pro-rata subscriptions line up to the school's renewal date instead of the full 12-months) unless the new teacher is replacing a current subscriber who may be leaving, then there is no cost for the transfer.

Non-teaching staff who need to access planning:
To create a new login for a non-teaching staff member such as management, relievers, or support staff who only require access to teacher planning, please email the admin team the staff members full name and email address. They will be emailed their login details along with a guide on how to navigate iUgo and access teacher planning. There is no cost for a non-teaching login as part of a school iUgo subscription.

Student Teachers:
To create a new login for a student teacher on practicum, please email the admin team the student's full name, email address, duration of their practicum, and the mentor teacher they are working with. They will be connected to the same classroom as the mentor teacher, if you would like the student teacher to have full access and editing rights to the mentor teachers planning this can be organised upon request. There is no cost for a student teacher login as part of a school iUgo subscription.

Staff members who are leaving:
Please email the admin team the name of any staff members who have left, we will make their account inactive in the school. Teacher planning connected to the inactive staff account will no longer be visible but can be accessed at any time upon request. We can also transfer a subscription to a new teacher at no cost, planning can be transferred to the new teacher so they can pick up where the other left off.