You can create more than one weekly planner in your account and choose to add owners on these additional planners, making it simple to manage your own timetable and your teams. 

1. Go to your Weekly Planner in the left blue menu.
2. Select the cog icon at the top right hand corner of your Weekly Planner and select Manage Timetables.

3. You will be taken to a page showing your existing default timetable. Click New Timetable+.

4. To create a new timetable - fill in the following details:
A) The timetable name.
B) A description of the timetable (optional).

C) Choose if you want this to be the default timetable that shows whenever you open the weekly planner or create unit plan links.
D) The timetable owners - anyone can see a 'read-only' copy of this timetable in the school unless you switch on private planning. Additional timetable owners can add, edit or change events in the timetable.
E) Click Save.

5.  If your newly created timetable is set as your default it will automatically show when you open the weekly planner. Otherwise you can select your timetables from the timetable filter at the top of your weekly planner.