If you have multiple lessons within one week and each lesson is taught at a different time, then you may find this feature helpful.

Please note this can only be done by using the calendar link tool within your unit plan.

You have a Science Unit that is being taught to three classrooms of the same year level - this means you have three classroom lessons within your unit. On a Monday Room 1 has their lesson at 9am, Room 2 has a lesson at 10am, then Room 3 has a lesson at 11am.

1. Go into your unit plan and then scroll to your lessons and click on the calendar icon - in the weekly lesson template this will display in the top right hand side. In the sequential lesson template this will display on the top left hand side (if you do not see this icon go to the article Linking a Unit Plan to a Weekly Event.

2. When you click on the calendar icon a pop-up will show, select your Event Type, tick the days of the week, and choose your start and end time.

3. Then choose the class or group you want to show in the Daily Planner.

4. Click on Add New Series to schedule your other lessons and you can select a class or group for each series. When you are finished scheduling each lesson, click save.

5. Go to your Weekly Planner or Daily Planner in the light blue menu to see the results of your linking.