If you work in a collaborative teaching environment setting up a collaborative teacher group may help you plan together.


When you are a member of a teacher group, iUgo will automatically add each of the teacher group members as a collaborator when creating any new Unit Plans, Weekly Planner Events, or Long Term Plans.

This means each member will be able to view, edit or delete Plans and Weekly Events. Teacher Groups members can still plan individually by un-ticking collaborators on the Plan or Event.

-Unit Plan Example

Creating a Teacher Group

1. Admins in a school can create Teacher Groups by going to Settings in the blue menu. You can also contact us if you would like the support team to set this up on your behalf.

2. On the school settings page go to the teachers section and select Collaborative Teacher Groups.

3. In the next page that loads you will need to type in a name, select the class(s) then click on the teachers name to the right to add them into the group. When you are finished with your selections click save.