Use the iUgo group tool to create visually appealing and clear layouts of which groups your students belong in. They can also be easily managed by clicking on their names and moving students between groups or back into the classroom list. The purpose of creating student groups in iUgo is to create lessons for them within the Unit Plans. Watch a video on how to create groups

1. To open this part of the program click into Students>Groups from the blue menu.

2. Select your group type (this is a list of subjects you can create groups for).

3. Type in your group name and click Add New Group.

4. Students will appear on the left hand side in a list, to add them into the group, click on their name and drop and drag them into the groups (students will automatically save once placed in groups).

Quick Tips

  • More subjects are needed for Group Types
    1. In the light blue menu at the top of the page select Group Types.
    2. Click on an existing subject from the list to edit it (note. this is shared with the school).
    3. To add a new subject click New Student Group Type+

  • Working from a large classroom list.
    1. Click on the cog in the top right hand corner.
    2. Select Class View.
    3. Click on the group name to switch between groups and instead of drop and drag you will only need to click on the students name to add them into the group.

  • Students who are between multiple groups
    1. Scroll to the bottom of the classroom list.
    2.Tick the box Allow Students to be in multiple groups.
    3. Your class list will remain on the left hand side and you can add a student to different groups.

  • Group collaboration
    1. At the bottom of each group you will see your name.
    2. Click on your name to view a dropdown list of teachers and tick the box next to their name.
    3. The group will now appear in their account.

  • Group printout
    1. Click on the cog in the top right hand corner.
    2. Select Print View.
    3.After selecting your print preferences, click Generate PDF.